Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bigger Better Deal Bitches

i'm all for people bettering themselves and doing right. i just really hate it when they do change for the better and they cut you off.. as if you were someone that was holding them down the whole time and shit.

i wanted nothing more for you, but to better yourself and live a clean and sober life.. and take responabilty for your own. i supported you when you were strung out and worthless. i even gave you tough love when my softer side seemed to not work. i cried when you relapsed thinkng here we go again. i wasn't wrong there we went for round 5,000, with you losing every single fucking one. still i was your friend, still i wanted what was best for you. i was a place you could come to eat, or sleep when no one else even wanted you around, or even if they did all they did was shit talk you to death. 

thanks for getting your shit straight and taking care of your daughter. you still have a SON ya know. he loves you too. why don't you see him? why aren't you there for him? that's really fucked up. how's he gunna feel thinking he wasn't good enough for you to get your shit straight, but his sister was? it hurts me really deeply that i have not and probably will not see you or your daughter. this is the life you dreamed of, that everyone wanted for you. why now, do you run away from everyone that fucking helped you in any way. talking shit saying that no one comes before your daughter and husband. well no shit bitch. that's what i tried to ingrain in your stupid ass big head full of shit. i don't want to come before your children and husband.. i just want you to be a friend to me, as i was to you. i just miss you. fuck! simply put you're not around because you don't need me anymore. nice to know bitch. =/

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