Thursday, April 5, 2012

The book of Roman

so i was talking to a friend the other day, who is no longer my friend but that's not the point. they suggested that i read roman in it's intirety. he even read me some of the book and told me it only had 16 chapters.. piece of cake. so anyways, today i felt compelled to bust open my handy cell phone bible app and listen to the book of roman. i got half way through and stopped, but the first half was all things i knew.. just didn't break down and think too deeply about. blew me away at how much we actually do take our "gift" of salvation for granted. i, myself am not excluded. pshh am i ever? lol anyways it's really a lot that Jesus endured for us all. i can't even fathom actually enduring what He did.. and not even for his own sake. it was all done for us, so that we may be delivered from this sinful life. so that we are able to live our lives in such a way that we will be in our Lord's favor. yet, we take for granted what the gift was meant for. so many of us aren't even thankful for that, much less do we live our lives accordingly. we feel like we are entitled to forgivness of our sins, as we do not forgive others for theirs. you are measured out, how you measure out to others. that's scary to me, only because i know how i measure. you are judged by how you judge others. another scary point because i know how i am about judging others. we are all sinners. period. there is no need for my judgement. that is our Lords job.

i need to focus on giving to others, no matter what i have. if they need, i should give.. just as our Father would. He has blessed me with enough to give in many situations. i know that He will provide for me, or make a way for me when i need it. so in turn, i shall do that for His people. it's not always money, in fact a lot of the time it isn't even money. it may be time, compassion, love, care.. clothes, food etc. you will know when you are supposed to give. God will make it known to you. 

i also need to focus on what i'm doing with my life, my works, the fruit i am baring. stop judging people, especially based on looks alone. i have started that. the mental hospital opened my eyes to that in a big way. most of the people in there were people that i would take one look at and just say "no", if i had been out in the real world. i probably would have made fun of them for one thing or another. i got to know those people and liked the lot of them. everyone is human, everyone is going through something. i have to stop being so quick to judge, because most of all.. i miss out on very cool people. people that can teach me things, or open my mind to greater things. it's like that song by kings of leon, use somebody. i've been looking down at all i see. what is wrong with me. when did i decide i was so darned perfect that i actually have the right to judge anyone?